Friday, 20 November 2015

Greetings from Housewarming Parties of TRUST!

Dear All,

This time I thought that I share something completely different and I go back in time to last week's Thursday when we had TRUST's first housewarming parties. I was so impressed to see so many of you there. Here are these few lines from my speech in which I also tell a bit about us to those of you who do not know us yet and for those who participated I hope it brings to your mind good memories.

"Hei, olen Jan Lindberg ja haluan toivottaa kaikki ystävämme sekä muut rakkaat ihmiset lämpimästi tervetulleiksi asianajotoimisto TRUSTin tupareihin.

Meillä on mahtava ilta tulossa. Teitä onkin jo viihdyttänyt DJ Hammeri ja myöhemmin illasta esiintyy myös Anssi Kela, joista molemmat ovat ainakin luvanneet esittää juuri tähän tupaantulijaistilaisuuteemme sopivaa musiikkia. Lisäksi paikalla on oma kvintettimme eli viisikkomme, jonka esittelen hieman myöhemmin.

As we also have some non-Finnish-speaking friends here, I shall continue in English.
As some you might know, the history of trust goes all the way back to the misty and dark Harry Potter like surroundings of Oxford University some 13 years ago, where we studied with Mika, and thought for the first time that it would be great to create something of our own. As is well visible also here today, we have wanted to keep the Oxford theme visible in Trust’s brand and image as well, since it reminds us of our roots and academic vibe as well as represents our passion for solving complex problems.

After many steps and a few side-steps we ended up with the current set-up, and I belive at this stage it is a good time to introduce our team. So I let this handsome young stallion next to me introduce himself but here somewhere is Kiira, Jenni and the backbone of our office Maija.

We have many reasons to celebrate today. More precisely, not only do we celebrate our ”almost three year birthday” and new premises here at Forum, but we also want to celebrate your enormous support to us, and thank you as we would not be where we are today without your encouragement and recommendations.

Our road will continue and it definitely looks promising. An example of this a recently received piece of news, that we have been exclusively selected in one respected publication as the M&A law firm of the year in Finland, but more information on this will follow early next year. Now I hope to you all not only excellent but also magical evening!"

This was not part of the speech, but I want to use this opportunity to thank SKM Photo for great pictures, Marja Oinonen for all help -  tip for all those in need of a top notch project leader and marketing professional Marja is looking for new opportunities at the moment, DJ Hammeri - awesome beats and sounds, Alexandra Finckenberg-Widner of Cakehouse for excellent catering, Luiano for wines, Nina and other good people at Business Meeting Park - for all support and help, as well as our top star of the evening Anssi Kela - you rock!

Best wishes and finally thank you for those who celebrated with us,
